Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Creativity Continued

You have 4 options for today's blog.

1. Write a 55 word short story (see handout for details)
2. Choose a prompt from the blog choices on
3. Find a photo on the internet and describe that photo in as much detail as possible (remember to use all 5 senses in your description)
4. Original Composition prepararation for the final exam. Choose one of the following 3 prompts:

a"Each generation has something valuable to offer"
b "Confidence comes from the support of others"
c "Self-awareness leads to meaningful change"

Friday, May 20, 2011

Blog Choice

Please check out the link to the "Top 20 Blog Posts" Web page (in the sidebar). The site provides 20 different types of blogs that you can create. You may choose one of the types of blogs and discuss any topic you wish. The main criteria for this blog is that it must be completed by the end of this class. It is an impromptu piece of writing (in preparation for the provincial exam). Please be as creative, or informative as possible. Use the highest level of vocabulary, and written expression that you can. The only option you DON'T have is the LIST blog. This type of blog is typically underdeveloped and students do poorly so it is NOT an option.

Most Popular types of blogs:

1. Rant
2. Profile
3. Interview
4. Informational

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

How important is it to you that you find a career that you are passionate about? Read the article ""Why Dream Jobs Don't Come True" (in the sidebar under "Important Websites" ) and watch Paul Potts' performance on "Britain Has Talent" (he was the original Susan Boyle).This link is also in the sidebar. I am no fan of opera but the message is pretty clear: don't settle for a job that doesn't make you happy, especially if you have interests or talents that lie somewhere else. How can you NOT cheer for this guy? I read a quote one time (couldn't tell you who wrote it), and it said: "Do What You Love, The Rest Comes". Imagine yourself spending eight hours a day, for 30-40 years of your life doing something that you aren't interested in, or even worse...that makes you miserable. One thing I did notice in the newspaper article though, is that two main reasons why people don't end up in their dream job are lack of job availability, and lack of education. The truth is, if you want a job that inspires you and gives you the lifestyle that you want, you just might have to work your butt off a little to get yourself qualified! Think about some of the careers that you want (and the daily life that you want), and then start taking the steps to get yourself there. Don't back down because it might require a lot of education or training. It is worth it to invest in a career path that you will love.

On a side note: My first choices in career were: Vancouver Canucks player (age 2), Firefighter (age 4).

So here is your task for this blog post...

1) Do you believe it is important to be passionate about your job? Think about adults you know well, and how they feel about their jobs.
2) What are you going to do with the rest of your life (career wise) and how are you going to get there? (Yes, it is certainly ok if you don't have concrete plans, but at least write about a possible path you could take).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Novel Research

Your job today is to research some background issue that relates to the novel you are reading. You may choose to research the author, or the setting that your novel takes place in (the setting may include location and/or time in history). Focus your research on one key idea and write a paragraph that summarizes the information that you found. Once you have finished your paragraph you need to add at least one key image that relates to your research, and include a link to at least one website that you found interesting. Finally, make sure you are linked to the blogs of all other people who are reading the same novel as you are.

For the blog you are responsible for:

a) The paragraph summarizing your research
b) A minimum of one image that relates to your research
c) A link to at least one website that you found informative.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Writing A Review

Your blog topic today is to write a review for a book, movie, television series, song, album, product, video game, website, or for the performance of your favourite sports team this season. Below are some tips on how to approach your review. For more details you can go to the sites that these ideas were taken from. Links to both sites are on this blog under "helpful websites". You are allowed to write a positive or a negative review.

1. Know what a review is. A review is not a recap of a TV episode or the plot of a book. It isn't just listing the different features in a PC game or what songs are on a new CD. Those things might be included in your review, but they are not the main event. Writing critically means you must tell people what is good or bad about your subject matter, and you need to provide specific evidence to back up your opinion.

2. As yourself "what does the reader want to know"? Think of the questions that a reader is likely to ask themselves about a movie, book, or song.

3. Decide on the overall point that you want to get across to the reader. Decide on an overall basic opinion of the product, such as "A hilarious, if overly long movie. Just don't expect anything groundbreaking"...and use this as a frame for your review. Hang everything else off this one idea. How does the movie's acting influence this opinion? Why isn't the plot that groundbreaking?

4. Don't write about yourself; the review is about the band, book, movie, or whatever you're reviewing.

5. Ask yourself, "what makes my review unique?" What is your unique selling point for this particular "product"?

6. Compare to other similar products, but not too much!

7. Be specific. What is unique about the experience of watching this movie, cheering for this team, reading this novel, or listening to this band?

8. Don't be afraid to state the obvious. Your readers might not be as familiar with your subject as you are. Don't be afraid to give a little extra description about things that you already know.

9. Be honest.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perception is everything

Watch the following presentation by Beau Otto on optical illusions (website link is in the sidebar). Comment on the ultimate purpose of his presentation, and make connections to other issues besides the physical ones he is presenting. The presentation is 16 minutes long.

Your assignment is to state the theme of his presentation and connect it to TWO other issues besides the physical ones that he is presenting. You may connect it to a current event, something in your own life, or something you have read in a book or watched in a movie. Please give specific details about how you are linking your connections to this presentation.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Perils of Indifference

Read "The Perils of Indifference" by Elie Wiesel on page 443 of "Echoes 12". (and if you have not read "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson you need to read that as well-the link is in the sidebar). Discuss the following questions in paragraph form:

1. Re-write the title "The Perils of Indifference" in your own words to show that you understand the vocabulary.

2. The ending of "The Lottery" is shocking for most readers. The graphic violence of the stoning seems completely bizarre for the members of a community that at first appeared so "normal" and passive. Please connect the events in this story to any other situation you have learned about in real life, or a movie or a book.

3. How does Elie Wiesel's speech relate to "The Lottery"? Please connect the townspeople in the story to the warnings that Elie gives, or make any other link between the two texts.